Explore Our Flowers
Red Romance Vase Arrangement
$230.00 -
Red Romance Wrapped Bouquet
$190.00 -
Rainbow Magic Vase Arrangement
$230.00 -
Midnight Garden Bouquet
$190.00 -
Rainbow Magic Bouquet
$190.00 -
Midnight Garden Vase Arrangement
$230.00 -
Corporate Vase Arrangements
$385.00 -
Marshmallow Vase Arrangement
$230.00 -
Marshmallow Bouquet
To ensure the longevity of your flowers, cut the stems on a 45-degree angle and place into fresh water. Change the water and cut the stems every 2 days. Keep flowers out of direct sunlight, direct air from air-conditioners and warm places. Wash your vase with hot and soapy water.
I wish to thank you for the beautiful vase of flowers we received on Monday.
They are very extravagant and very professionally selected and arranged
Julie Revell
Big thank you to The Flower Den for this gorgeous Christmas-inspired bouquet for our office! We welcome The Flower Den as Buyer Ambassadors' official partnership florist! The quality of this beautiful bouquet speaks for itself
Kimberley Ackerman
OMG!!!! These flowers are insane!!!! Thank you so much. They are literally the best bouquet I have ever seen! Thank you soo soo much!!!
Luke Bowen